I know that the title of this blog post may seem rather basic. It might even seem ridiculously simple. It may be simple, but it’s not simple minded. The truth is, it’s harder than you think to communicate at online sex sites. Sure, you can do a search, retrieve several profiles and send them messages. But I’m telling you right now, the vast majority of those women are never going to respond to you.
The vast majority of those women won’t even know you exist. Why? A lot of them get a lot of messages. It’s not like you’re the only guy that sent them a sexy message. It’s not like you’re the only guy who’s trying to get their attention. Unless you have a clear strategy in attracting eyeballs and getting those eyeballs to follow you, chances are you are going to fail at online sex sites.
I know this is not the kind of message that you were probably expecting. I know that you were probably expecting some sort of pep talk or some sort of motivation. But I am motivating you. By telling you that there are certain things you must do to achieve success, I am giving you all you need to get laid predictably and consistently at online sex sites.
Now a lot of guys would tell you that you should just invest in a nice profile and play the numbers game and you’re good to go. I wish it was that easy. I wish it was that formulaic. But it isn’t. If that was all it took to get laid at online sex sites, then the vast majority of dudes that tried their hand at this type of online dating will get laid. Not just once, not just twice, but consistently.
But unfortunately, that’s not the case. The vast majority of dudes who try fucking at online sex sites end up giving up after a while. It seems that regardless of what they try and how often they try, things just don’t work out for them. I don’t want you to be one of those guys. I’m going to give you only one piece of advice. This advice will blow away the competition. This advice will put you over the top. What is this advice? Invest in the right subject line.
Play the Numbers Game and Message Them Correctly
Now don’t get me wrong. You have to lay some initial groundwork for you to write the right headline to the right women so you can get laid. At the very least, you need to play the numbers game. In other words, you need to set what your type is.
What kind of women are you looking for? What kind of look are you looking for? Are you looking for blondes? Are you looking for brunettes? Are you looking for midgets? What the fuck are you looking for? Now, set your standard and never deviate from your standard. Scour the database of those free online sex sites to find those women. Send them all messages. Your messages should have the right headline. Your headline should be mysterious, your headline should be teasing, your headline should be flirty.
If you play this right, a large percentage of those women will message you back. Now repeat the process again. When you respond to them, send a mysterious flirty headline. If you play your cards right, you increase the likelihood that these women will actually show up and fuck you.